Conspiracy theory is defined by Merriam-Webster as an explanation of an event or circumstance plotted by powerful conspirators. These theories can be intriguing but can also be annoyingly persistent despite their obvious lies. Here are 10 conspiracy theories that are guaranteed to make your blood boil.
1. The Moon Landing Was Faked

The Apollo moon landing, conducted by NASA from the 60s to 70s, was an incredible feat of mankind. A small group of conspiracy theorists believe that this feat was actually staged by NASA and the U.S. government.
Despite being widely discredited, theorists remain headstrong to the point of questioning astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Everything went to a halt after a confrontation between Aldrin and his stalker. To this day, plenty of Americans believe that the moon landing is faked.
2. 5G Towers Spread COVID

COVID-19 brought so much suffering to the world, with many people losing families and friends. It led to fear and paranoia, thinking that the virus was still out to make the world a living hell.
This is how conspiracy theorists were able to present the idea that 5G towers are responsible for spreading COVID. People needed someone to blame for the catastrophe, making them vulnerable to fake news and erroneous theories.
3. Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Didn’t Happen

The horrible event that happened at Sandy Elementary School rocked the United States and the world. Losing the lives of 20 children and 6 adult school staffers all in one day on December 14, 2012, was devastating. It didn’t stop conspiracy theorists from spreading lies about the shooting, saying that the event was only propagated by government institutions using crisis actors to fake everything.
The fact that anyone can think someone will fake something horrible is insane and cruel at the same time. It is disrespectful to the ones who lost their lives and the families they left behind.
4. Prescribed Glasses Can Ruin Your Eyes

Prescription glasses are provided to you by optometrists for a reason, and it’s a false statement to say that they’ll have the opposite effect. Eye care professionals have studied their craft for years, and they know what they’re doing. Wearing the wrong prescription can ruin your eyes. Make sure to get properly assessed and wear your prescribed glasses whenever recommended.
5. The Earth Is Flat

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is flat, which is why they are called “flat earthers.” Despite abundant scientific evidence supporting the earth’s roundness, these people are adamant that the earth is flat, with the landscape having no curves in site.
They also believe that since the oceans have a level surface, it’s proof of the flatness of the earth. Flat earthers are also very aggressive in their arguments and opinions.
6. Rainbow Fentanyl Is the Next Big Thing

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that’s medically designed for pain management. According to conspiracy theorists, “rainbow” fentanyl will be popular in the world, and since they look like candies, parents need to be vigilant with their kids.
These theorists even believe that some people are planning to give them out to grade school children and harm them. So far, no one has ever seen a piece of this rainbow fentanyl.
7. Freemasons Run the World

The conspiracy theory that states how Freemasons run the world has been existing for a long time despite being unfounded. Popular artists like Beyonce, Rihanna, and even Lady Gaga are members of the Masonry, which is how they became as popular as they are.
With the order’s secrecy and mysterious appeal, it has become the favorite topic that conspiracy theorists with wild imaginations like to explore.
8. The Smiley Face

In the Midwest of the United States, young men are found drowned in the rivers after a late night at a bar. Many people say that it’s either the work of the smiley-face assassin or that many young men are getting depressed.
The truth is simpler than that. With the massive drinking culture in the area, young men like to get drunk during winter. Since it’s difficult to differentiate the road from the frozen river banks, they end up falling through the river.
9. Vaccines Cause Autism

The conspiracy theory that vaccines can cause autism came from fraudulent researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield. His study claims that the MMR vaccine and autism can be linked together.
Despite the fact that he lost his medical license and his research was widely discredited, including by leading health organizations like the World Health Organization, many people still believe in his study out of fear and paranoia.
10. John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump for 2024 Candidacy

According to conspiracy theorists, the tandem of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump will be running for the 2024 candidacy. In fact, the two famous politicians are said to be expected to appear in Dallas for the announcement.
Despite Kennedy Jr.’s announcing his presidential candidacy as an independent in 2024, some people are still rooting for this pair.