Leadership comes with perks and privileges. But, it also comes with a “curse.” Being in the public eye almost 24/7, leaders are easy targets of hate and criticism. They are judged for the smallest mishap and seldom get recognized for what they do right.
Here are leaders who were hated but were actually good people.
1. Jacinda Ardern

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern received “unprecedented hatred” for causing a critical increase in the cost of living in New Zealand. Clamors from the public made her step down from office in January 2023.
Despite being vilified most of her political career, she was lauded for how she handled the COVID-19 pandemic and the mosque shootings in Christchurch.
2. Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter is said to be one of the most hardworking U.S. presidents. The problem was he was often misunderstood as incapable. What people failed to realize is his reforms set the U.S. up for progress in the long run.
He also made some successful peace talks and resolved international conflicts. In particular, he signed the Camp David Accords, which helped ease the tension between Egypt and Israel.
3. Bill Clinton

One of the most startling controversies to ever rock the world in 1998 was Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. Because of this, Clinton easily became one of the most loathed presidents of the U.S.
However, he was responsible for the United States’ massive economic growth and had employment and education policies that expanded opportunities for the citizens.
4. Justin Trudeau

Embroiled in several scandals, Justin Trudeau is among the most hated Canadian Prime Ministers. He has been questioned about his discriminatory remarks about indigenous people.
Nonetheless, his efforts towards sustainability, environmental protection, and women’s rights still deserve a commendation.
5. Moon Jae-In

South Korean Prime Minister Moon Jae-In was most criticized for failing to make good on some of his promises, like bridging the gap between the rich and the poor and generating career opportunities.
But, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, South Korea was one of the countries with controlled death cases and maintained a sound economic standing.
6. Boris Johnson

The former UK Prime Minister was also forced to step down due to a public gripe. He is described as a liar and untrustworthy. It can be recalled that he once asked Queen Elizabeth to shut down the Parliament. However, some who have worked with him say he is witty and fun-loving.
7. Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron was seen as an elitist and a president only for the rich. He received so much hatred from his French constituents. He has been caught giving arrogant statements.
In his defense, he is also described as good-natured. He is also to be credited for lowering the unemployment rate in France.
8. Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel was the first woman Chancellor in Germany, serving 16 years in office, which is a great feat. Despite being a cautious leader, Merkel was able to use her leadership style to better Germany’s economy.
9. Narendra Modi

Much of the hatred hurled against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is from opposing parties and their allies in the press.
Other than that, Modi is remembered for strong tax reforms that helped generate revenue for the country.
10. Scott Morrison

Apart from being labeled as a lazy leader, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrisson also drew flak for how he handled the bushfire incident in 2020.
But, under his leadership, Australia recorded the lowest unemployment rate and had one of the lowest fatality rates when the pandemic happened.
11. Barack Obama

Barack Obama was the first African-American to be elected U.S. president. His role came with much criticism, but Obama turned haters into supporters with his accomplishments.
For one, he was able to help the U.S. rise from the Great Recession. Another is that he signed the Affordable Care Act (ACT), which made healthcare more accessible to U.S. citizens.